
Check out the INUS video for their song “Time is a Person”

It is still the wild west for overpriced for-profit higher education under the current administration’s education secretary, Betsy DeVos, our patron saint of privatization. But The Institute For Navigating the Universal Self (INUS) offers a horizontal learning solution to these pedagogical woes. Free intuition and a corporate sponsorship by Genital Atomics are the ways of INUS.

The video for their song “Time is a Person” is a truthful and refreshing gesture from the admissions office. Comprised of a sampling of competitors’ commercials, the satirical and transformative video collage highlights archetypal images and tactics: panning to students hovering over a laptop; outdated technology; and juicy, comfy chairs just waiting for you to take out a huge loan and enroll.
The song itself it a post-honky-tonk-prog-skronk opus with horse gallops synchronized to quick 32nd note finger tapping on electric guitar sent to a modern day player piano (Yamaha Disklavier) with brilliant math-rock percussion, undulating bass, and falsetto yelps: the soundtrack to the insane timeline we are on.

INUS “Time is a Person” from the album Western Spaghettification available in our web store.