Deaf Club, INUS, and Secret Fun Club – Drum cam footage, October 2021
Deaf Club, INUS, and Secret Fun Club drum cam footage from October 2021.
Three One G’s most recent showcase featured Deaf Club, INUS, Secret Fun Club and Black Dice, and we’ve got the drum cam footage to prove it. Well, we can at least verify the first three… Black Dice no longer has a drummer to record. Blast beats and/or bizarre and brilliant approaches to sound are the staple of most of Three One G’s catalog, and this trio are a great sampling of it. Beginning with Scott Osment’s fire and brimstone double kick for Deaf Club and moving on to the mathematical and nonetheless ripping precision of both Brandon Relf from INUS and Sal Gallegos from Secret Fun Club, this is a journey through peculiar time signatures and tight spaces, pummeled hard in your face through a worm’s eye view.