The end of the wormhole better known as 2016:
Three One G put together nine questions as a brief and general wrap up of the year we have come to know as 2016. Here are some of our artist’s answers…
Photo by Becky DiGiglio
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
David Bowie’s death was hard. I grew up listening to his music, so every song/album has strong memories attached to it. He was such an inspiration. Always pushing forward with so much joy and curiosity — never pretentious. Hearing his final album, knowing that even as he was dying he was creating this amazing gift was profoundly moving and overwhelming.
2. Favorite music/albums?
Rihanna – ANTI
YG – Still Brazy
Young Thug – My Name is Jeffery
Solange – A Seat at the Table
Charles Bradley – Changes
Blood Orange – Freetown Sound
David Bowie – Blackstar
Aphex Twin – Cheetah
3. Best movie(s)?
My wife and I have a 16-month-old, so I haven’t seen a movie in a long time.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Everything I read this year was pre-1970, so I’m not sure I’m much help here. Percy Shelley’s Laon and Cythna blew my mind, though.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Helping to raise our son. Going back to college.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
That I still see kindness every day.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
Being a dad. Finishing my degree.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
I’d be happy if guys stopped cutting their hair like Hitler Youth and started growing it out in weird freaky ways.
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
I know many people probably gravitate towards David Bowie to answer this question, but in a way that is part of the reason for me. I do sound at a bar called Whistle Stop here in San Diego and I often become the default DJ before, after, and in-between bands and I have to quell my desire to play most of the crazy music I like, but I can play David Bowie no problem because just about everybody likes David Bowie. The fact that David Bowie was gender bending decades ago and yet was/is excepted and loved by so many puts today’s gender issues into perspective.
2. Favorite music/albums?
Although it came out a couple years ago I discovered Michael Intergalaxon’s album “The Art of Bird Mutation” in 2016 and I love it. Actually, there are a lot of amazing releases on the same label, Mutant Swing. Also, Doomsday Student’s “A Self-Help Tragedy,” is great!
3. Best movie(s)?
“Michael Moore in Trumpland,” was a valiant effort to bring attention to the rust belt when there was still maybe a chance to do something.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Democracy Now! Also, “The Drone Papers,” by The Intercept.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Teaching and co-founding the Institute for Navigating the Universal Self (INUS).
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
Molly Neuman (of Lookout! Records and former manager of The Locust) completed her first year as Head of Music at Kickstarter, a position that didn’t exist previously. This is a glimmer of hope because it exemplifies the growing potential for this and other crowdfunding platforms as alternatives to traditional means of capitalism, particularly with music.
This is a very strange time period because there are many things in flux but that also makes it interesting/exciting because the collective “we” can steer the wheel of destiny a bit and lay the groundwork for the future.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
I think about this question often and I imagine trying to embarrassingly explain the US/Mexico border and racism. Assuming they could understand me I guess I would start off with, “Welcome to planet earth, we are water-based life. What are you?”
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
The release of “Western Spaghettification” by INUS.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any)
resonated with you the most?
-Sure there are influential humans, but what about influential animals? Kim and I lost our beloved pug Millie. We adopted her when she was 9 and she died just shy of 14yrs. She was strong, kind and loved us and our son Anderson. She taught me patience and strength even when she was dying. She influenced us to be better humans.
Favorite music/albums?
Culture Abuse-Peach
Suede-Night Thoughts
There are countless others, but these were the two that I listened to the most in 2016.
Best movie(s)?
I didn’t see many films in 2016, but the handful I did see were great…Rogue One and Rubble Kings. Both were great.
Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Unholy Night-Asks, what would happen if the Three Wisemen were murderous thieves and stumbled into the manger when Christ was born…a Fun fantasy book that I enjoyed greatly.
God Is Not Great-Hitchens at his best.
Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
The birth of our son Anderson was the defining moment of this year, or any other year in my life.
Seeing Heartwork Coffee thrive in 2016 was great as well.
Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you
seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
I found the way the youth vote swung 90%+ against trump in most states to be a positive sign… if we live to see the end of Trumps administration, we will hopefully see a major shift in 2020 towards progressive thought and kinder hearts.
I found Standing Rock to be inspiring in the face of negativity. In
the end, the First People were proven correct, when the pipeline burst 150
miles north of the river mere days after the truce.
What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first
contact in 2016?
There is nothing to see here.
What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
I want to continue to be a great partner to Kim and a father to our son. Continue to focus on the coffee shop when I can and maybe work on some new music if I have time.
What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
Nov 8th 2016.
Photo by Cari Veach
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
Bowie and Prince were tough of course but for me the death of Abe Vigoda cut right to my core. I’ve not gone out of shock and the emotions are still raw.
2. Favorite music/albums?
I saw a lot of inspiring local bands this summer that may not be as well-known outside of Providence. They include Xr-Tabs, Hott Tramps, and Detroit Rebellion among many many others.
3. Best movie(s)?
Didn’t watch a lot of movies but I think Maria Bamford’s Special Special has helped the most to numb the pain of the ongoing train wreck that is 2016. It is one of the most original approaches to stand-up comedy and/or mental illness I have ever seen. Her 2016 Netflix series Lady Dynamite is equally hilarious and brilliant.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Required reading for any year should be this one simple sentence: “Don’t be a Dick.”
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Out of the 10 or so albums between Arab On Radar, Chinese Stars, and Doomsday Student I think that Doomsday Student’s “A Self-Help Tragedy'” is the most innovative and fully realized project I have ever been involved in. Also, making up my mind to write, record, and perform my own songs solo as Craig Wreck, and actually fucking doing it, has felt pretty Goddamn good.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
I’m sure many will disagree but with the collapse of the music business as it once was the fact that bands and independent labels still keep doing what they do is inspiring to me. It’s done solely for the love of music. And it creates a sense of community rather than competition. To me that’s progress.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Do not drink the water
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
My creative coffers are currently overflowing. I’m very eager to get back to some freaky deaky songwriting with Doomsday Student. Also, I’m hoping to book my first solo tour as Craig Wreck some time this year.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
I can’t wait for the holidays to be the fuck over!
Photo by Chamo
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
I admired David Bowie’s songwriting talent from a young age. I got more into the man and his characters, mainly through my girlfriend who is into theatrical & visual arts, about two years prior to his death. I understand better now how he transposed himself into these mirror images to express his deeper nature and reflect the human psyche. Other inspirational figures to me that passed away this year are Georges Martin & Alan Vega.
2. Favorite music/albums?
Favorite albums out this year : The Dillinger Escape Plan Dissociation, Sumac What One Becomes, Head Wound City A New Wave Of Violence, David Bowie Blackstar, Absolute Power ST
Gotta check out Silent A Century of Abuse & Doomsday Student A Self Help Tragedy, what I’ve heard so far sounds awesome
Best live shows : Meshuggah @ Bataclan, Sister Iodine @ Gaité Lyrique
3. Best movie(s)?
Nothing new but I really enjoyed watching Jean Cocteau’s The Blood of a Poet again.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
In these times, I would recommend Sun Tzu The Art of War
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
No specific accomplishments, but playing a show with Unsane was great.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
Well, I must say that France working to ban plastic bags & cutlery by 2020 is a good thing that could extend to other countries. Vets asking for forgiveness at Standing Rock was also a good point symbolically speaking. I’d add the increasing awareness of the general public for how our fellow animals are treated in slaughterhouses. So much to be done though…
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Go back to wherever you came from and please take me with you.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
Writing new material with Warsawwasraw and hopefully touring with rad bands.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
Glad to see it go all together. Looking forward to next year.
Photo by Becky DiGiglio
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
Steven Wright. Personal friend & great graffiti artist. I had to pleasure of having him in my life for many years. Street art will never be the same.
2. Favorite music/albums?
King Crimson – Radical Action To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind
Nathan Hubbard/Skeleton Key Orchestra – Furiously Dreaming.
Head Wound City – A New Wave Of Violence
3.Best movie(s)?
I have a terrible habit of falling asleep during movies, good and bad. Last night I fell asleep close to the end of The Eyes Of My Mother. It’s pretty fucked up in a good way.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
A Hypocrites Guide To Getting Away With Living Inhumanly And Not Feel Guilty About It aka The Holy Bible. Murder, rape, homosexuality & eternal life…..what more can you ask for.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Getting my son off to college semi safe and sound was an incredible feeling. Creatively- learning to constantly experiment & evolve with new sounds and knowing when are where to apply them.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
After our November shit show Ive noticed peoples eyes open up, not just to their own surroundings here in Cali but in other states where ignorance is placed between consciousness and action. Ive also seen a lot of my close friends doing more for charities which is pretty rad.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
You’ll never last if you can’t learn to laugh at yourself at times. Oh yeah, and hold on tight.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
Finishing both the Planet B and the 2nd Sonido De La Frontera albums. Releasing a beat app for the iphone and a 7 inch scratch record for djs. I know theres something else.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
That depends, is Kanye West still with us?
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
I’m not generally one to get too busted up about celebrity deaths. It’s not as though this Christmas will be ruined because Uncle Prince won’t be there, ya know? Still, I grew up in Minneapolis and am a fan of Prince, so that touched me a bit. I was seven when Purple Rain came out and it was inescapable in my hometown. Great record. When I was 20, I had the bizarre experience of working at Paisley Park, the Great Purple One’s compound/studio/soundstage/whatever. The production company I worked for was hired to work preproduction for his upcoming Greatest Hits Tour. The work was beyond grueling and his staff were totally bananas. Apparently they had been working twenty hour days for a month straight and fuelling themselves with copious amounts of cocaine. By the time my crew arrived they were all a little punchy. I could go on and on about the indignities of working there but instead will share one magical experience I had while there that made all the other nonsense worth it. One night, well after midnight, I was alone on the giant soundstage where the band had been rehearsing. I was wrenching on some lights or something. I think only one other crew member was there. Prince came out with his band, along with Chaka Kahn, Maceo Parker, and Larry Graham, and jammed on old funk tunes for an hour or so. There was no audience and I doubt they knew that I was there. Getting to sit and watch that meeting of musical geniuses was something I’ll never forget. I was on tour when they announced that Prince had died. I was really touched by the reaction in Minneapolis and wished I could have been there to take part, if only out of a sense of civic pride for my hometown.
I was surprised when Bowie died; did not see it coming. Like everyone else, I love David Bowie. I even like the record he made with Trent Reznor. But again, as much as I like his records, I didn’t know him. I thought the way some people went on about it and other celebrity deaths in public was a little over the top. Honestly, the fact that there now exist public forums where you can ceaselessly post every thought or feeling you’ve ever had, no matter how banal or trite, doesn’t mean you have to. Have a tribute night or do a special DJ set, dress up like Ziggy Stardust for Halloween, do what you gotta do, but don’t share with the world that you’ve been listening to, “Let’s Dance,” on repeat and crying for two days. That just makes you look like an asshole. I got really tired of so many people’s seeming desire to co-opt the pain of others and make it their own, thereby making the grief about themselves. Sorry to be a dick, but that shit got really old quickly.
Leonard Cohen’s death was a bummer but, ya know, dude was 80. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I saw him perform seven or eight years ago and he was great. At least Bob Dylan and Tom Waits are still kicking around, right? Losing those guys will be a hard cock to suck.
Cynicism aside, I was saddened by Gene Wilder’s passing. I don’t have much to say about it beyond I love Blazing Saddles, Willie Wonka, and Young Frankenstein today as I did when I was a kid. He seemed like a nice man.
2. Favorite music/albums?
This is a list of what I remember listening to a lot this year. I’m sure some of them came out in ‘16, but most did not.
Scott Walker, Scott 3 and Scott Walker Sings Jacques Brel
Captain Beefheart, Doc At The Radar Station and Live In Cowtown Kansas City Hepa.Titus, FM Warm Weather
ZZ Top, Tres Hombres
STUMP, Peel Sessions
Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back Home
Dead Rider, The Raw Dents
The Skull Defekts, Dances In Dreams Of The Unknown
The Stone Poneys, “Different Drum,” over and over and over while driving Rapeman, Two Nuns And A Pack Mule
Wu-Tang Clan, 36 Chambers
The Fall, This Nation’s Saving Grace
Guided By Voices, Propeller and Bee Thousand
Ice Cube, Amerikkka’s Most Wanted
Melvins, Hostile Ambient Takeover
That’s all I can think of but I’m sure there’s plenty more.
3. Best movie(s)?
Gimme Danger
Fear Of 13
Noam Chomsky: Requiem For The American Dream Eat The Question: Frank Zappa In His Own Words The Colossus of Destiny: A Melvins Tale
Is it me, or was this a terrible year for movies? I honestly can’t recall once this year going to a theater and seeing a good movie, aside from the Stooges doc and the Melvins doc. I did go to a screening of Shakes The Clown at the Regent Theater with a Q & A with the cast afterward. That was absolutely wonderful!
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Destruction Was My Beatrice: Dada And the Unmaking Of The Twentieth Century by Jed Basula
I’m a little ashamed to admit this was the only book I read this year. I should read more, sorry.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
I think Qui accomplished a fair amount of stuff this year. We released three singles and an E.P. and recorded a ton of new music. We also had the incredible pleasure of recording a record with Trevor Dunn (Mr Bungle, John Zorn, Melvins Lite, Tomahawk, etc.). That was an incredible experience for us and we are beyond pleased with the end result. That will be seeing release next year. Last March we embarked on our longest tour to date. We did almost two months in Europe playing forty-eight shows in fifty-one days. We didn’t have a day off for the first month we were there. It was hard work but we pulled it off. Can’t wait to go back next month.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
I don’t know, I’m not an anthropologist or anything. If anything, there is obviously a growing chasm between the right and left in America and while that is frightening, I’m hopeful about the possibility of more people on the “Us” side coming together. Perhaps this can be the worst things get before we finally stand up and say no. Maybe? Or maybe we are beyond repair and there is nothing left to do but sit back and watch the motherfucker burn. The less enlightened side of me kinda wants to see the apocalypse first hand. Ya know, I’m a glass-half-full guy.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Run? Get a helmet? Use water-based lube? Try the smoked brisket?
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
European tour Jan-March. Probably back to EU in Sept/Oct. We’re releasing our record with Trevor Dunn next year and will be playing some gigs with him, too. I’m still figuring out the logistics. As of now, we have four other releases planned next year on Three One G, Valley King and SubSound. They will all be different in both content and format.
We’re trying to figure out better ways to tour in the US. It has gotten hard for us to go out anywhere away from the west coast without the likelihood of losing our asses so we haven’t done much in the last couple years. That sucks, so we’re trying out some different ways to approach it. Hopefully we can make it work. I expect to spend a big chunk of time on that this year.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
Glad? I can’t think of a thing, really. I’d say the election but what’s coming next seems so much worse. Most of what I would be glad to see go will still be here; I’m still losing my hair, still don’t have any money, I still have those guys from the Dept of Education sweating me about my delinquent student loans. It’s like, I didn’t even finish college, why on earth would pay those, ya know? I’ve found that the shit that really grinds me down isn’t going anywhere so I stopped expecting it. Work will always suck, music will always be awesome, sushi will always be delicious, shit will always stink, I’ll always hate going to the DMV, I’ll always love getting laid. Doesn’t matter what year it is. I’ll be glad to no longer be bombarded with stupid shit like, “OMG, who’s next? Fuck 2016!”
I can’t wait to start hating 2017.
Photo by Matt Miller
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
Friends that died in the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland, CA on Dec. 2, 2016. Capitalism kills. Literally.
2. Favorite music/albums?
Andrew Cyrille, free jazz drummer released two great albums in 2016. Still fucking shit up musically, even at 77 years old.
3. Best movie(s)?
Birth of a Nation. It’s complicated.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
William J. Goldhagen, Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (1997).
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Stayed sane and sober another fucking year.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
The secret mutual aid societies that keep on saying: “You don’t have to fuck people over to survive,” planting seeds of the new society that is coming, one that is not based on profit but on human social needs.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Some of us are fucked up, some of us try not to be fucked up, others are fucked up and don’t give a fuck. Try to figure it out, your life might depend on it.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
New music projects, I hope.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
Negative people from my life.
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
Merle Haggard, (I know a lot of drunks and criminals).
2. Favorite music/albums?
Wheeler Walker Jr “redneck shit”.
3. Best movie(s)?
Did not see anything that particularly stood out.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Any issue of Tape Op.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Let me get back to you on that.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
Not really sure anything that happened in 2016 could be called progress.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Either destroy it or get far away.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
Playing more music and a masters degree
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
2016/2017 = same shit different toilet
Photo by Becky DiGiglio
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
Prince’s death resonated with me. I am always so disturbed by people that succumb to addiction which to my understanding was how Prince lost his life. Although, maybe not directly related to your question — I was heartbroken — on so many levels — by those who lost their lives in the Ghost Ship fire.
2. Favorite music/albums?
I LOVED: Cellular Chaos’ Diamond Teeth Clenched, Guerrilla Toss’ Eraser Stargazer, Head Wound City’s A New Wave of Violence
3. Best movie(s)?
Team Foxcatcher, OJ: Made In America and Weiner
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Like a lot of people I have been absolutely captivated by the Serial podcast. Therefore, I LOVED reading: Adnan’s Story: The Search for Truth and Justice After Serial. In fact, it was the only book I read this year outside of poetry.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
This year I was awarded a Poetry Fellowship through Rhode Island State Council for the Arts. I will admit, it felt amazing. I love the state of Rhode Island and I love that fellow Rhode Island poets choose me for the award. In addition to this, I am very proud of the latest Doomsday Student album: A Self-Help Tragedy. I feel as though it is one of the best things I have ever been a part of it and the process of making it with Craig, Steve, and Paul was so fucking enjoyable.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
Well, I teach creative writing to undergrads at multiple universities and I feel the generation of students that I teach are socially aware and socially progressive. I find this to be very hopeful. I think most of the social issues that we face our the residual effects of an older generation that are bitter and ignorant — I think the latest elections proves that. Statically speaking, it seems as though, younger people voted progressively and the so-called “Baby Boomers” continue to voted against progress. Because of this they voted a very ignorant and dangerous person into office.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
There is nothing here for you.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
Right now, I am working on a collection of tour stories that I hope to finish up at the end of 2018. But, for 2017, I just want spend time with Allison and Wilder and do a bit of touring to support A Self-Help Tragedy.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
Although, I hate the outcome of the election I am so happy to see it over.
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
It is insane how many amazing musicians and and actors have passed away this year. Out of them all I feel like David Bowie and Prince hit me the hardest. Most likely because they have always been a constant in my life. Even as a toddler I remember my mom taping videos off of MTV and Prince and David Bowie were always there. Both so influential in their own way. True trailblazers that we were lucky to share this planet with for the time that we did.
2. Favorite music/albums?
Here are ten albums that came out this year that I have listened to a lot:
1. Harm Done – “Abuse/Abused”
2. Vermin Womb – “Decline”
3. Gag – “America’s Greatest Hits”
4. Magnum Force – “Hood Crimes”
5. Warthog – “S/T ep”
6. Absolute Power – “S/T”
7. Private Room – “Forever and Ever”
8. Intensive Care – “This is Exactly Who You Are”
9. Wound Man – “Perimeter”
10. Sumac – ” What One Becomes”
3. Best movie(s)?
I was lucky enough to have a beautiful daughter in April that we named Birdie Ann, however this has not left very much time for movies. I really enjoyed that Eagles documentary on netflix, much more than I thought I would have.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Again, having a baby has not been very conducive to reading but I think before she was born I read High Rise by J.G Ballard which for being written in 1975 is very relatable to now when it comes to social class and status. I also read Marky Ramones book which was entertaining.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Musically, I could not be more stoked on my new band Weak Flesh. We recorded this year and put out some cassettes ourselves. We have been writing and are looking to record again soon. Check it out here:
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
I think seeing people come together more to try and evoke change has been a true positive. By standing behind black lives matter and most recently the DAPL. So many people endured horrible weather and conditions for a long period of time and now actually seeing some type of temporary victory is massive.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
For all the shit that you see in the headlines there are just as many if not more good things going on. Focus on the positive, be what you want to see and treat people with love and respect. Enjoy the rad shit and fight the bad shit.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
I really hope to record more with Weak Flesh and take the band on the road.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
I feel like we lost a lot of good, comforting things/people this year and gained a bunch of shitty people and situations. I would be happy to leave that trend in 2016.
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
What tore me up most in 2016 was everyone who lost their lives in the Ghost Ship fire. Those were the kinds of people this country needs as we sink into the shithole of Trump’s America. This year has been one long purge of wizards, dreamers, and aliens but that Oakland fire hurt my heart in a whole new way.
2. Favorite music/albums?
I’m listening to Three One G family band Silent as I write these answers. It’s 10 degrees outside here on the farm. I’ve spent the last hour doing farm chores and I keep trying to kick back and chill but I can’t. Now that we’re headed toward dangerous waters I don’t feel like I can stop fighting and working. Silent feels apt for the times. There was that photo from tour where Jung from Silent picked up that little toddler boy from the audience and carried him around while he sang … beautiful and strong and good … that felt like a good metaphor for what we need more of.
3. Best movie(s)?
A secret not many people know about me is I love vampire movies. Not the gory shit–because we have enough of that in real life–but the quieter ones. This year I liked A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, an Iranian film, and Byzantine, from the UK. The original Swedish Let the Right One In is pretty great. I love going out to the movies. I love popcorn. The big screen. You can learn a lot about writing by going to the movies.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Scott McClanahan’s Crapalachia was the best book I read this year. A lot of people are doing audio literary recordings right now like I do. McClanahan’s tape of stories with Juliet Escoria is devastating. I almost want to give it away because his story about the suicide note hurts so much.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Having my book Locust House out there and the two EPs Three One G reissued … that feels pretty damn good.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
The fact that Standing Rock caught the attention of the government enough to stop work on the Dakota Access Pipeline is outstanding. People are hesitant to protest because it feels like it doesn’t make a difference. But THAT. That’s what you look to when you feel small and powerless and ignored. You look right there and you REMEMBER IT because we need moments like that to keep us working and fighting.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Be patient with us because there are a lot of tyranical fucking people that give us a bad name. Be patient because we’re not all racists and warmongers. Don’t blow us up because I can promise you there are some sweet, kind, vital humans out there that you would love to meet. Be patient.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
I’m working on a new novel and I’m going to be releasing a bunch of “talking songs” with stories that connect to it. Lots of audio literary stuff because I’m so overloaded with ideas I feel like a barrel full of bees rolling down a hill about to hit a rock and break open. Beyond that I’m looking for ways to be a real activist and change things instead of hiding out in the country and writing about it. There’s only so long you can be a cheerleader before you throw down your pompoms and go whoop some ass.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
I feel like not enough of the bad things went away. More came. And more and more and more while the good things died and were stomped on or swept over. This was a year of losing the good while gaining the bad in wild multitude. I want to take some of those things back in 2017. I plan to fight.
Photo by Kelsey Heng
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
The loss of David Bowie resonated with me deeply. Bowie’s early records were a huge influence on shaping my appreciation for androgyny and theatrical performance. His visionary fashion style and sense of musical adventure is astonishing. And he’s one of my favorite vocalists and songwriters.
2. Favorite music/albums?
So many to choose but here are a few: High Functioning Flesh, Street Sects and SEXTILE each released some of my favorite recordings this year.
3. Best movie(s)?
I really enjoyed Noe Gaspar’s “Love”. Very dark and sensual but also brutally revealing of the animalistic nature that drives our impulse to connect with others in an emotional and physically intimate way.
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
I really enjoyed reading Patti Smith’s “Just Kids”.
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
Paying tribute to Joy Divsion by performing and producing studio recordings of my favorite songs by them. And becoming a vegetarian. Finally grasped why it just doesn’t make sense to eat animals when we have so many other nourishing options to choose.
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
I don’t really believe the concept of societal progress is rational. Society is a human eco system that constantly changes. It’s complex and often irrational. I do believe in the concept of treating others as you wish to be treated. And trying to be generous and compassionate to others while loving yourself. I have seen society do that this year so that makes me happy and feel a sense of connectivity with my fellow human being. I continue to encourage myself and those around me to put these concepts into practice on a daily basis.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
I assume this question applies to newborns since I’m not personally aware of any new people arriving to this planet from somewhere else. And in that case my message to the babes of this world is: Love yourself and love all your fellow creatures great and small until you become stardust once again.
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
My band will be touring nationally in the spring and releasing our “Collision With Joy Division” album digitally and on vinyl. I am also booking and promoting music events through my company called Flowers Of Romance (inspired by the 1981 PIL album “Flowers Of Romance”).
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
I’m happy to leave behind some of the ignorant attitudes towards human diversity. I believe attitudes towards gender and race have become more enlightened as a result of social media driven interactivity. And I really hope that trend continues to be a dominant influence on the world we share.
Photo by Debi Del Grande
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
My heart aches for the Orlando victims and their families and more recently, the victims of the Oakland fire. Mass casualties are completely devastating.
2. Favorite music/albums?
“A Self Help Traged” -Doomsday Student
3. Best movie(s)?
Bad Moms
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
Tranny -Laura Jane Grace
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
I started working on my Doctorate degree in Music Education. I have a long road to travel but Dr. J is on her way!
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
I appreciate the 10-cent charge for grocery store bags. As a society, we waste a disastrous amount of plastic bags a day. BYOB, bruh. (Bring your own bag, brother).
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
It’s all our fault!
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
Releasing more Hot Nerds music!
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
Photo by Becky DiGiglio
1. 2016 saw the loss of numerous influential humans. Which (if any) resonated with you the most?
Of course this year we lost a lot of musical and artistic legends and talents, but I most identified with Alan Vega and David Bowie. I’m extremely familiar with their work, so I think both resonated on me this year.
2. Favorite music/albums?
Anohni “Hopelessnes”
Doomsday Student “A Self-Help Tragedy”
Andy Stott “Too Many Voices”
David Bowie “Blackstar”
Demdike Stare “Wonderland”
3. Best movie(s)?
The Revenant (Alejandro Gonzales Iñarritu)
4. Required reading for 2016 (either new or relevant)?
IQ84 (Haruki Murakami)
5. Your biggest accomplishments (creative or otherwise)?
I stayed alive! Everything is fucked everywhere, and everyday, so that’s certainly a big accomplishment. Don’t get me wrong though, of course I feel I did a lot this year, which is cool… but I survived another year!
6. Amid a year many see as being filled with negativity, what have you seen happen (if anything) that shows elements of progress in society?
For me, it was more regression than progression. Specifically during the campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I certainly saw a lot of people acting in extreme ways and being overtly negative. Society as I see it has become mean hearted. Specifically with the rampant racism, and me being Mexican.
7. What message would you give to someone new to this planet making first contact in 2016?
Escape out of here!
8. What will you be working on in 2017? Specific plans?
I’ll be touring to promote the recent SILENT album, and of course we are going to start writing new material. The plan is tour everywhere next year, Mexico, America, Europe, Japan. When not on Tour, I will be working at the bar which I own in Mexicali.
9. What if anything are you glad to see go from the past year?
I saw a alot of old friends on our last tour which was great. I saw a lot of them doing new music and new art. It was Inspiring, even if the world is sucking ass right now!